Gordon Tours Israel Blog

Planning your church tour to Israel

Icon April 11, 2023
Icon By Shai Navon
Icon 0 comments

There is only one Israel, and it has been a prime tourist destination for more than 1500 years for Christians looking to experience the Old and New Testaments in the Holy Land for themselves.

Tourist may be the wrong word here, because retracing the life of Christ is more than a mere vacation – it is a transformational experience that changes and recharges the people who partake in it, providing them with a deeper appreciation for the Word of God.

It is safe to assume that every pastor wants to visit the Holy Land, but experiencing the Holy Land with your church group is a wholly different experience.

We hear the phrase “I will never be the same” over and over again from Christian church groups who visit Israel. For some, it’s the Sea of Galilee. For others, it’s the old city in Jerusalem or viewing the empty tomb.

So, how can you make it happen? What are the steps required to turn this Christian dream into reality?

At Gordon Tours, we’ve made sure to make all of this as simple and stress-free as possible. We are a one-stop shop for all your travel arrangements. As the shepherd of your flock, we handle it all; registration, payments, rooming lists, status of passengers, hotels, itineraries, and everything else you would possibly need.

Here are the basic steps that stand between your congregation and the pilgrimage of a lifetime.


The first step is crucial, and is up to you. Once you decide and commit to taking this trip, many around you will respond enthusiastically and want to join you.

 Next, choose a specific departure date, preferably more than six months ahead, to give yourself time to effectively promote the trip and sign people up. Some schedule their visit to Israel during Christmas or Easter, and others prefer to travel when lower, off-season rates are available, usually around November through mid-March (excluding Christmas). Once you’ve got the dates set, you can start planning!


In terms of flights, there are many direct flights from North America, plus two dozen that stop in Europe. Once you let us know of your preferences, we will provide you with a variety of flight options that fit your needs and budget.

An important variable to keep in mind as you plan your church group trip to Israel is the level of hotels, meals, and add-ons you’re looking for.

We encourage you to contact us for pricing options as all of our services are fully customizable. Generally, the more members join the trip, the cheaper the cost is per traveler. We’re also proud to offer free trips to pastors and tour leaders.

Can’t wait to visit Israel?
Contact us or ask your travel agent about the Gordon Tours Israel experience!


Now is the time to let everyone know, and get excited about the trip! The first essential step is identifying the individual or team in your ministry that will drive the overall process. The necessary skills are enthusiasm and having good communication skills with other members of the community. This will ensure many members of your congregation and social circles will want to join in, and share the details of the trip with their family members and friends.

We have all the marketing materials you need to promote the trip, including flyers, promotional videos, blog entries, posters, and our website and mobile app.

The Three Rs – Reach out, Register, Retain

These final steps have one goal: to make sure that all of the work that you and your team has put into planning is turned into reality. During the many decades of experience providing Christian pilgrimages in the Holy Land, we’ve developed useful promotional and trip management tools to help you maintain continuous communication with your group throughout the process.

Keep in mind that even though a church group tour to the Holy Land is a once in a lifetime experience, it doesn’t mean the planning needs to be complicated or overwhelming. At GordonTours Israel, we constantly strive to turn the experience into a special one from the first moment you begin contemplating this journey. We are always available for any questions or requests, and look forward to hearing from you. Safe travels!


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Everything you need to know about traveling to Israel