Gordon Tours Israel Blog

The Miraculous Tale of the Church of the Primacy of St. Peter

Icon November 28, 2019
Icon By Shai Navon
Icon 0 comments

For Christians worldwide, the Sea of Galilee represents the opportunity to visit a holy location that is not all that changed from the time of Christ. This gorgeous lake in northern Israel is the primary sight in a region featured in many stories of Jesus’s life, teachings, and miracles. Situated just between the Sea of Galilee itself- where Jesus walked upon the water- and under the hill upon which Christ preached the Sermon of the Beatitudes, the Church of the Primacy of St. Peter is the gorgeous and unassuming home to even more miraculous history from the life of Jesus Christ.

Church of the Primacy of St. Peter

The church was built to commemorate the miraculous catch of fish by Peter and other disciples following the resurrection of Christ, and the repentance of Peter after his sin of denying the Lord. Seven disciples decided to go fishing soon after the Resurrection of Christ. Fishing all night, they found their nets empty and their spirits exhausted. As morning broke, Jesus told them to put down their net into deep water on one side of the boat. Though this was not an astute plan according to traditional fishing wisdom, Peter showed his faith in the lord and told the men aboard to lower the net. The net became so heavy that it was difficult to tow. In fact, they had caught 153 fishes! The boats came ashore, and Christ prepared breakfast out of the fish he had guided his disciples to catch.

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Church of the Primacy of St. Peter

In the ninth century, this church was referred to as “the Place of the Coals,” for it marked the site upon which Jesus prepared a charcoal fire on which to cook the fish. The table on which he served the meal of miraculous fish- a Mensa Christi, the “table of Christ,” is today incorporated in the floor in front of the altar of the church, where it once stood as a long limestone table. It is at this table which Christ implored Peter to “feed my sheep,” calling Peter into a lifetime of Christian service and reinstating him as a leader of the church.

Church of the Primacy of St. Peter

Today, this small Franciscan church of dark basalt marks the miraculous catching of the fish, as well as the miracle of Peter’s faith and reinstatement by Jesus.  It’s not to be missed on a tour of the Sea of Galilee and a walk through the life and miracles of Christ.


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